Part 23: World's Best Disguised Paladin
Update 15: World's Best Disguised Paladin (Battle)Welcome back. Last time Marth rescued his best pal Wrys from some really flaky assassins, and set out to undo all the shit he accidentally caused in Chapter 1.
Starting things out with How's Everyone, as usual.

I still hate you.

I like this a lot better.
Anyway, we get a cutscene as soon as this one starts:

Still not vikings.

This kid's name is Yubello. I would understand if you don't remember, because it's been about 8 updates since we last saw him and he had so few lines I didn't even upload him a portrait.

And with that, we actually get to start the map. With three new units!

Ogma here could be at a higher level if he joined you in the prologue instead of Draug. Ogma is good. He can take a few hits, do damage, and is one of the most all around powerful units in the game. If you want to use a Mercenary, it is hard to go wrong with Ogma.

Yumina is alright. She won't ever be great for much but healing, but she does that competently enough. C rank in Staves is nice. However, by now you've had Malicia for a while, and I personally don't see the point in using Yumina over her.

Yeah. You're seeing that right. A mage with 1 Mag. Poor Yubello is just pretty bad. His only real asset is a decent Luck growth, but he doesn't do much else. I think literally every enemy on this map can one round him, so he's more of an escort quest than a character. Horrible bases and below average growths make Yubello pop up pretty often on those "Worst Character" lists.
But, there is good news! Due to this nice starting position...

We can reach Sirius on our first turn with Ogma.

I love how Sirius' portrait makes him stare directly at the player. At all times.

Ogma makes it sound like he's just gotten a flat tire instead of spending the last few days sheltering two defenseless (Yubello doesn't count as having defense) children from vikingpirates.

It's almost like he might be somebody you knew/murdered a few years ago, Ogma.

And thus we get the "mysterious" paladin, Sirius. Sirius is mostly a better version of Arran, with pretty solid base stats and actual decent growths compared to Arran's bottom of the barrel percentages. He does start to fall off compared to a properly trained Cavalier like Luke or a Rody with good stats, but he's a pretty hasslefree unit for most of the game, and he has some special utility come endgame that I'm not going to spoil. Although it seems many of you have already played this game, but eh.

Even without sullying his more powerful Silver weapon, Sirius makes short work of these Hunters. I suppose it's possible to not recruit Sirius just by never speaking to him. I don't think he attacks you either, but I could be wrong. Regardless, he's probably the easiest non mandatory character to get in the game.

In a sneaky display of "fuck you", Intelligent Systems has hidden a village behind Marth's starting point, being menaced by this asshole. If you don't down him on the first turn, he will destroy it.

It shouldn't be a problem.

This is disappointing in many ways.

But I am okay with this. The Armorslayer automatically does triple damage to armored knights and generals. This will come in handy soon, and is good to stick on someone who does low damage but is pretty dodgy, like Julian.

Don't want to forget the village either.

Luke is still great against these enemies. I know this is kind of a weird screenshot for showing these guys' position, that's my bad. Fire Emblem Fatigue was setting in while I screencapped this.

I won't bore you all too much with every move here, just know I'm skirting the lines here to try and get in a good position.
Oh, another "fuck you" from IS!

This thief is only a few moves away from destroying this village. Don't think you can block him with Yubello either, he'll one round the kid. You have to divert either Ogma or Sirius up here, which isn't a big deal, but it can be obnoxious if you forget.
Oh, and see where Yumina is? Move her. Move her or this happens.

If you can't tell I had a lot of false starts on this map. Rewind.

The fearsome Little Girl Slayer does not fare nearly as well against Ogma.

Nor do his pals against Sirius. The biggest issue here is that there are a lot of enemies here, and they'll sorta suicide into Ogma/Sirius while chipping their HP away. Yumina is nice here for keeping them alive.

Back in the main action, the pirates are now close enough to get carved up by Palla.

Draug isn't as good at the carving, but he's not too shabby.

And now, a Village.

Generic Villager: Yes, that, er... was correct... Yesterday, a group of Archanean soldiers suddenly came and took the pontifex away. Although, Prince... He did leave this magic tome behind. I believe it's wind magic. Please, take it with you.
So Wendell just kinda tosses magic books out like candy.

Shaver is a slightly worse version of Merric's specialty, Excalibur. It has a high crit rate in addition to that bonus damage against fliers, and in a game that loves flying enemies as much as FE12 does, it's useful.
Regardless, Warren snipes Draug's injured pirate and gets this:

Not bad. I like all those stats.

Our other resident bowman will not be outdone, though.

Ryan holds the archer crown with an iron fist.

Draug cleans up the last enemy here while Steve embraces her new duty, healing people who don't really need it.

This is a lot of trouble for one dumb village. Haar had better be hanging out in there taking a nap or something.

Luckily, Ogma can hold the line.


And now Marth begins his long trek to catch up with the others.

Keep it up, Steve!

So, now it's just a matter of crossing over to meet up with Ogma.

Here's probably the only thing Yubello will ever do. Drink it in.

Pretty unremarkable level, but it could be worse.

Devil Swords/Axes have been a series staple for a while. These weapons are ridiculously powerful...but come with a secondary chance to hit yourself. Many promising characters have met their unfortunate ends by swinging one of these. Because of this, I never, ever use them. I mean, I guess save states could alleviate most of the issues here...but that's cheating.
Edit: Turns out these weapons' chance to do the self damage is actually effected by your Luck stat.

That clears up these enemies, but we aren't done with this map yet.

Throughout just about this whole map Steve and Yumina are doing this. I'm not going to screenshot every time it happens so you don't all die of critical boredom, but just trust me, it happens.
At the end of this turn, though.

I love this guy's portrait.

Also wait for me to forget this later.

There are a couple enemies down by Guile, but they aren't a huge deal.

I'm moving pretty much everyone over here to wait for Marth to catchup.

Sirius will make fine bait for the last few enemies.
Oh, and remember what I said earlier? About me forgetting Guile's line about the reinforcements? Well, I'm sure they would come out of the forts we're near and not

The ones at the start of the map where I left Arran. Welp. He'll be fine!
Three attacks later...


Now Catria's just showing off :/

I'll take this, though.

This is a really good level for Yumina.
And wait, she gained HP?

Steve clears that right up.
We are now split into two teams:

Team Save Arran's Ass

Team Kill Fat Pirate
One of the generic axe goons charges Luke.

It was a bad idea.

Run, you cowlicked bastard, run!


This looks a lot scarier than it is with the units we have to handle it.

Case in point, Palla.

Steve heal! Moment of truth!

i have no more tears to shed. It wasn't the hair.

Fuck you Draug, I'm not in the mood.
At least Marth is finally at the village. This was definitely worth it to get Haar, or maybe Hector, or Titania, or the obvious punchline of-

The most minor of returning minor characters, it's Castor!

There's an Oliver Twist joke in here somewhere but I can't find it.

Give him the Bridge Key!

Marth is not really catching on. (Castor is a con artist)

Evidently a pretty bad one though. You already got the money!

But he joins up anyway. That Killer Bow is nice. Castor himself is a decent character. He's a bit faster than Warren, but his defenses aren't as good. Speed generally beats Defense on bow users, though, so he's not a bad alternative.
Time to finish the job.

Oh. Well, sorry, man, it's okay, I've recruited people who have done worse.


Guile here might be pretty threatening. He has a Silver Axe with his Hand Axe and boss stats, which can be an issue. I'm not sure though.

Because Warren critted him into next week.

But you're dead!


Motherfucker! This keeps happening!

I guess he really did do "something bad".

Hey, ready for Jagen to be the smartest person here yet again?

That's actually a really good plan as far as video game villain plots go. Props to Hardin, that's sneaky as hell.

Marth won't accept it though, because he really is pretty naiive about all of this, which is pretty sad. Elice was an asshole, but she had a point.

Oh, speaking of that...

What Marth lacks in logic though, he makes up in bravery and the sheer amount of people willing to help him.
But after all that silly plot garbage, we get back to the REAL story that matters...

We get a decision here, but I just went ahead and reversed it. We'll get new hair options soon, and since this one didn't reverse the curse, I might end up reclassing Steve. That Levin Sword Myrm idea sounded nice.

Jagen didn't like it anyway.
Next time, after that plot bomb, we're finally going to take the fight to Lang on our way to Hardin. Hope you enjoyed this one, even though I missed a couple screenshots. Should not have played a bunch of Sacred Stones right before this. FE fatigue is a real thing.